Excessive Hair

The growth of skin hair varies from person to person. Heredity, hormone secretion, and use of medication are possible factors affecting the amount and quality of skin hair.

While excessive skin hair may not be a problem for everyone, normal people may have the experience of shaving skin hair by themselves. However, such action may cause problems like slashing, ingrown hair, or pigmentation.

Treatment for excessive hair or unwanted hair:

Most women would prefer to have hair in/on underarm, legs, chest, bikini positions, upper lip, and face removed, in order to make the skin there tender and whiter. Some men would like to remove hair at the position of fibrous roots to prevent the problem of ingrown beard.

More common ways of skin hair removal include shaving, waxing, plucking, and electrolysis. Light-based hair removal is also a general trend, where excessive skin hair is removed with reference to the growth cycle of skin hair and can lighten the color pigments of the area of skin hair growth.  This involves using laser technology to disable unwanted pigmented hair follicles, thus impairing hair growth.

*All medical and health-related information provided on this web page is for information only. Such information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice, medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Professional advice should always be sought on any health and medical condition.